Welcome to Little Ducklings!
Meet our team:
Relevant Qualifications:
Keep up to date with all that is going on at Little Ducklings here on our Facebook page
Long term learning plan – LONG TERM PLAN PRESCHOOL 23-24
This is an example of our weekly timetable:
Look at the exciting things we are learning this half term:
Spend some time with us in Little Ducklings and see how much we learn!
Look at our ‘Draw a Person’ pictures. We are already making progress.
Child A: November 2022 & February 2023
Child B: November 2022 & February 2023
Child C: November 2022 & February 2023
The children love our provision and have a lot of fun learning through play!
We have a rich learning environment and enhance the areas with books, vocabulary and challenges.
We might be Little Ducklings, but we mix with big animals too!
Each term we aim to enhance the children’s learning with trips, visits and activities from the ’50 Things to do Before You’re 5′ guidance. Have a look what we have planned for the year!
Summer 1 – 50 Things Homework Challenges
We would like to set you a challenge each half term, to complete some of the activities outlined in 50 Things to do before you’re 5. These are the challenges for this half term. You can send photographs via tapestry or print them out and hand them to staff.
Click the link below for additional information regarding the National Curriculum for 2 year olds or have a chat with Mrs Winstanley or Miss Allison. Please see the Early Learning Goal progression maps below and on the EYFS subject page for a breakdown of skills the children will be learning.
Things to Remember
Reading at Fairburn View Primary School
Throughout their time in Little Ducklings the children will be taught phase 1 phonics. Our caring teaching staff plan exciting activities based on the letters and sounds programme to meet the needs of all individual children. As your child moves through school they will learn to read following the ‘Sounds Write’ Programme. This programme is designed to support the rigorous and systematic approach to teaching synthetic phonics.
There is a focus on reading across school and there is huge benefits to children reading at home. As part of school policy, we ask for children to listen to bedtime stories at home which will help them to develop a love for reading. We have books carefully placed throughout our provision and our experienced adults make time to share books with individual children and as part of a group. The children will have a story session at the end of each day where they will be encouraged to listen to and join in with familiar stories.
We appreciate your help and support in the matter.
Parent Partnerships
We welcome any opportunities for parents to share their skills and knowledge.
Please upload your interactions, activities, achievements and special days out onto the Tapestry app.