Physical Education
“Improving physical confidence and wellbeing”
Subject Lead : Mr Welka
National curriculum in England: PE programmes of study
Although Physical Education is a foundation subject within the National Curriculum, at Fairburn View we place a massive emphasis on the importance of PE to develop every pupil as a whole. This has been shown to have a positive impact on pupils in other curriculum areas.
PE develops pupils’ enjoyment, confidence and skill in physical activity, whilst promoting personal, social, intellectual and physical development.
PE is about introducing pupils to the world of sport, which, combined with an enjoyment of exercise, will hopefully provide the foundations for a healthy, active adult lifestyle. Along the way, pupils will see benefits in their mental health and well-being, as well as physical. They will develop resilience, confidence, leadership and group skills.
What we are learning (Intent)
Create and follow a PE curriculum which is broad and balanced. Providing all pupils with opportunity to participate in lessons which will develop their skills and knowledge in a variety of sporting areas. Pupils will not only learn how to perform skills and the importance of them, but also, understand when to apply their learnt skills. Encourage and educate pupils on how to live healthy and active lifestyles. The Holistic development of pupils: Health (Physical & Mental), Well-Being, Resilience, Confidence, Desire to try and succeed, work with and help others.
How we are learning (Implementation)
Since September 2013, Fairburn View has employed a full time PE specialist who has lots of experience in teaching PE at Secondary, as well as Primary school level. Mr Welka is responsible for the planning, monitoring, recording and assessing of all areas within PE to ensure consistency. The curriculum covers all key areas within the National curriculum and boasts the implementation of over Twenty different sporting areas within an academic year (UFS to Year 6). Extra-curricular activities are a key part of school life at Fairburn View. Every pupil has access to at least one additional hour of physical activity every week. Every dinnertime also provides pupils with the opportunity to participate sports (Dinnertime is one hour long). Competitions are regularly available whether that be through Inter-school events/competitions/fixtures or Intra-school including weekly House competitions. PE kit is a requirement for every lesson and this is clear across whole school and with parents/carers. Rewards and sanctions are used to ensure kit is no barrier to learning. Where kit is an issue, spare PE kit purchased by school is readily available.
Our broad and balanced curriculum provides pupils to participate in a wide variety of sports, some of which they will have never experienced before e.g. Swimming, Kickboxing, Table-tennis to name a few. These are taught in addition to other sports in an attempt to encourage pupils to take up a sport/physical activity outside of school. The main hall showcases several displays, two of which include ‘Healthy Living’ and ‘Sugar in Drinks’. As well as PE lessons (two hours per week) every pupil has the opportunity to participate and choose to lead a healthy lifestyle through selecting weekly extra-curricular clubs, 1k a day and other organised sports at dinner-time. Fresh fruit and water are readily available for every class at morning registration and break-time.
A whole school emphasis on ‘I Can and I Will’ is embedded in every aspect of school life. Not only lessons, but assemblies and even guest speakers are involved in promoting this. Our broad and balanced curriculum not only allows pupils to develop knowledge of skills, but also provides opportunities for pupils to take on other roles which can develop key skills on a wider level. Pupils are regularly provided with opportunities to self and peer assess, officiate, demonstrate and persevere through new or difficult skills. Extra-curricular clubs allow additional development of these areas along with the opportunities at dinnertimes. Whole school but definitely within PE, we place a big emphasis on getting our pupils ‘secondary school ready’. This is done through how lessons are structured, emphasis on being independent, prepared and organised with kit. Roles which pupils take within lessons and opportunities available prepare our pupils for the next stage in education.
What we have learned from it (Impact)
All pupils will participate in every PE lesson, therefore increasing chance of development. All pupils will enjoy and look forward to lessons. This will develop a desire to demonstrate effort and succeed whilst also develop skills of independence through bringing their kit. All pupils will have the opportunity to demonstrate that they are working at age related or above. Where this is not achieved, ‘points progress’ will be used to demonstrate progression.
Pupils will develop their knowledge of living a healthy and active lifestyle. This will be demonstrated through their food choices at registration, break and dinner-times, as well as, their willingness for additional participation in physical activity at and after school.
The amount of opportunities available to participate in physical activities, automatically promotes all pupils physical and mental health, as well as well-being. Emphasis that is not solely placed on assessment and numbers means that all pupils feel a sense of achievement and success in some area. This develops behaviour, confidence and a better attitude to all aspects of learning.
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Year 4 Noticeboard- Fairburn View
Year 4 covered gymnastics and hockey last term. Here is the video highlights. 🤸♀️ 🏑