‘Exploring the earth; its physical features and atmosphere’

Subject Lead : Mr S Buckle

National curriculum in England: geography programmes of study

What we are learning (Intent)

At Fairburn View Primary School we see it as our moral imperative for all children, regardless of background, to achieve their very best. Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all our students; an education which brings out the best in all of them and prepares them for success in life.

Our Geography curriculum is designed to provide children with the core knowledge they need for success in education and later life. It provides children with, coherent, relevant and progressive knowledge of the world. Through exploration of Location and place, Geographical scale, Making connections and Geographical knowledge.

The Geography curriculum at Fairburn View Primary School aims to prepare children in understanding the world around them and prepare them for the next stage of their education. We want our pupils to be well-rounded members of society with strong morals, emotional intelligence and integrity. The four key drivers for our curriculum are:

Entitlement, Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy, Subject-Based, Subject Content.

In addition to the school’s main drivers, the Geography curriculum aims to:

· Uphold the quality in teaching, expectations and presentation that is in core lessons

· Deliver a broad Geographical curriculum with a range of activities

· Give children a sound knowledge of the curriculum

· Lessons which motivate and inspire children

· Lessons which allow children to flourish in areas in which they may not in other subject areas

· Allow children to be creative and imaginative

At Fairburn, we endeavor to achieve these aims alongside our own school ethos and values.




How we are learning (Implementation)






Teachers will provide the following to ensure development:

– What do you know sheet.

– A clear cycle of lessons, providing progression and depth focusing on the relevant knowledge.

– Rapid recall at the start of each lesson – multiple choice quizzes, discussion to increase their working memory.

– Challenge and mastery.

– Class trips and visitors to engage and enhance their learning and experience in school



What we have learned from it (Impact)

Through the development of our curriculum, we have motivated and curious learners who enjoy and feel passionate about their learning. Our Geography curriculum is well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are able to keep up with the curriculum, they are judged to be working at age related level. Our Geography curriculum is planned in a way which promotes cultural capital, provides learning opportunities and keeps children up to date with current local and worldwide events.

By the end of KS2 we aim for our children to:

· Well- rounded.

· Have a sound knowledge of the earth and its features.

· Be confident to portray opinions and join in discussions.

· Have a sound knowledge of the continents of our world.

· Have a sound knowledge of Geographical enquiry.


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