Dear parents/ carers,
We have come to the end of another term and as I said to the children on Tuesday in assembly – the year is running away with us already.
Nationally at the moment there is a shortage of good quality teachers and you will be aware of the teacher’s strikes concerned about staffing and funding for schools.
I have been very fortunate that in my 12 years in Airedale, I have never had an issue with finding good teachers. My aim is always to make sure any transition is good for the children and they know who is teaching them.
At Easter we will be saying goodbye to Miss Hopkin who has a new job in another school. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her best for the future. Mr Brown will be replacing Miss Hopkin and he has already worked with the class and spent time getting to know them – so it will be a good transition for the children and staff.
In year 1, Mr Armstrong, will be teaching 1W. Again, Mr Armstrong has spent much time in class with the children and they know him and have already got used to him teaching them.
It just remains for me to say, thank you for all your support this week and wishing you all a good and happy Easter break together with your family and friends.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Brownlee