Bob the Alien crash landed in our outdoor area. His spaceship was smashed to smithereens.
We wrote letters to his family to let them know he was safe.
We gave him a uniform so he could blend in whilst he was at school and some pyjamas for bedtime at Mrs Barker’s house.
We looked after Bob and took him for a walk around our local area. We even bought him a sausage roll as he didn’t like the green vegetables we were trying to feed him. We never actually found out what foods he might eat in space!
Our classroom was themed with alien activities to support our understanding of Bob. We spent lots of time creating playdough aliens and transient art aliens to show to him.
We wrote questions to Bob for him to answer. This helped us to learn so much more about him.
We taught Bob lots of things about the world including:
How to use your manners. (Please and Thank you are the words we like to use)
How to get dressed. (Did you know aliens wear their pants on the outside of their trousers?)
How to wash your hands. (Bob didn’t know how to use the soap but we made sure he washed his hands before lunch)
How to be a good friend. (Bob learnt how to be kind and we always included him in our games)
And Bob taught us all about space, the planets and gravity!
We were so sad to see him leave in our rocket… but maybe one day he will return!