Today we went on a trip to the Ledston Estate!
When we arrived we met a lady who worked at the park and listened to a story called ‘Tree’ about all the different seasons. We then discussed what happens to the trees in the different seasons and looked at branches from different trees. We also looked at different woodland animals and talked about what they might eat. We learned that everything animals eat can support plant life supporting the big circle of life.
For our first activity we planted our own seeds by making newspaper plant pots using dobbers to mould the shape of the pot. Then we scooped soil into our pots, placed a seed inside and decorated lollipop sticks to place inside.
We also got to look at the park pond that had tadpoles growing in it, the children could see these tadpoles were a lot bigger than ours!
Then we all enjoyed our pack lunches in the sunshine!
After lunch, for our next activity we went on a walk in to the woodland, on our way we were given boxes to collect leaves, grass, feathers and twigs off the ground ready for the activity we were going to to. We made our way to the logs in the wood and we were all given a pebble person who we needed to make a woodland home for using the items we collected. The children were very good at building little homes and making them cosy for the pebble people.
All the children really enjoyed themselves completing these activities today in the lovely weather!