Good afternoon Upper Foundation Parents/Carers

As usual, Homework is going to be set every Thursday to be completed for the following Monday. We are however changing how we deliver homework. It will no longer be printed off and stuck into books. It will be set on Reading Eggs & Maths Seeds each week. Your child will be set a Reading Task and a Maths Task. This will be set on a Thursday and we will check it on a Monday in school via the app.

Everybody was sent the log in details when we handed the catch up learning CPG books out during lockdown. Please use these details to access your homework.

Homework – Week 3 – 11.3.21

Reading Eggs – Either Lesson 3 or 11.
Maths Seeds – Lesson 16 – Ordering numbers to 8.

This is alongside regular reading with your child at home and recording their reading in the home/school diary.

Thank you
The Reception Team