Welcome back year 5 – hope you had a lovely break!
WALT: identify regular and irregular shapes
If you missed this mornings live zoom Maths lesson, here is the PowerPoint we worked through. There is an independent activity set on MyMaths for you to complete.
WALT: evaluate a story
This week we are going to begin working through the booklet that was delivered with your packs at the end of last half term – it is a Talk for Writing booklet which is the scheme we follow in school.
Today we would like you to watch the story ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and then complete a book review to tell us what your likes about it.
Book review template – Book Review
Log onto Reading Plus and complete a reading activity – remember this replaces our daily guided reading lesson.
Here are this weeks spellings.
WALT: Create a collage
Watch this short video clip
The video shows how you can make a collage using lots of different types of materials.
Your task:
Using whatever you can find at home and in the garden, create a collage of ONE these:
• A portrait
• Your initials
• An animal
It can be big, small, inside, outside, manmade or natural. Take a photo of your creation, and send it to us!
WALT: name the items of clothing
French 22.2.21