Happy Monday! We go again with remote learning (hopefully not as long this time), we got this year 3!
Here are this links for today’s learning:
Spelling: This week’s focus for spelling is on words ending in ‘tion’. Here is the sheet: Spellings
Reading: Access your reading plus accounts – let’s get even more awards this half-term!
English: We are going to do a two week unit on trolls.
For today, I want you to listen to this clip: https://soundcloud.com/talkforwriting/trolls/s-7815f2MesfN
Summarise the text in your own words.
Maths: Join the live lesson at 12:30
Here are the details:
ID: 745 2178 2796
Password: E18EGK
Science: This week, we want you to do some revision on our first topic: humans and other animals.
Use the internet to help you if you need to.
Science revision. Animals including humans – questions (1)
French: Animals is this week’s focus.
Watch this video: Learn animals names and sounds in french – YouTube
Write down the names of 5 animals – draw and label them if you feel creative.
If you’re feeling brave, send us a video of you pronouncing the vocabulary.