Happy Monday everyone – half term is in sight – keep going!

WALT: solve addition questions
If you missed today’s live zoom Maths lesson, here is the PowerPoint we worked through. There is an independent activity for you to complete on MyMaths.

Who is going to take the final TT Rockstar point? Currently 5G are winning 3:2, will 5C make a comeback this week?

WALT: write an acrostic poem
Watch the short video and then have a go at writing your own acrostic poem. Can you link it to our topic ‘Extreme Environments’?

Log onto Reading Plus and complete a reading activity.

This weeks spellings:

WALT: draw a Tsunami
In keeping with our Natural Disasters topic, today we would like you to watch this short video and have a go at drawing a Tsunami. You may need to stop the video after each step to complete it.

WALT: name the colours in French

Practice pronouncing these colours correctly.
This may help: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjcbrj6/articles/z634kmn

Then have a go at this worksheet. French – 8.2.21
If anyone is feeling brave, how about videoing yourself pronouncing them and share it to our Facebook page – go on, we dare you!