Happy End of Term Year 5!

You have done a brilliant job at completing our topic ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ and I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did.

It is the final lesson and our main focus when listening and appraising has been rap music. So for the the last lesson, I would like you to find your favorite rap song or a song that includes rapping and create me a poster on the song and artist. On the poster, I would like you to use your key words to describe the song and then tell me what the rap/song is about. Once you have done that, I would like you to research the artist who sings the song – this could include there age, where they are from and anything else you can find. Once you have done that, post your poster on the Year 5 Facebook page.

Have a brilliant half term and we will see you back on our screens in the new term.


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