Happy Monday! Last week and we get a well-earnt rest. Please remember that we have in INSET day on Friday – this has been scheduled since the beginning of the school year. 4 day week for you at home! 🙂

Spellings: This week’s focus is a collection of the spellings you have looked at over the half-term. As always, the last week is a revision week.
With us finishing in Thursday, do your spelling test then and write your sentences on Wednesday.
Here are your spellings: Spellings

Reading; Please continue to access Reading Plus – we’re seeing some great results from you on there 🙂

English: Today, we are going to look at writing up our ideas from Friday into well-written sentences. This will be mainly sentence practise work.
Watch this video for more detailed instructions:  https://youtu.be/EchcRf6glIE 

Maths: Join Mr Hill for his daily maths lesson at 12:30
ID: 745 2178 2796


Read the powerpoint:: https://youtu.be/Nvjh-rhH5bY     and complete tasks/questions: Shadow distrance investigation sheet
Complete the investigation sheet.

This week we want you to practise saying simple phrases in French.

French – simple phrases

Have a lovely day – please show us your amazing work. Don’t forget to take part in this week’s battle on Times Tables Rockstars 🙂

Miss Adams and Mr Hill