Happy Monday everyone!

As Key Stage 2 phase leader, it is my job to know what is going on with all classes from Year 3-6.

Each day, your teachers let me know how brilliantly you have been doing with your work, and the kinds of work you have been doing.

As a result of this, I keep a register of how much and how often work is being completed by EVERY pupil, EVERY day! This may include whether you have been on Zoom lessons, uploading work to Facebook, Reading Plus, MyMaths, Timetables Rockstars etc.

Now, I know some year groups have been having competitions to see who is the best class at certain things, but I am going to start my own competition… to see which year group has the most pupils engaging in work.

There are lot’s of different way you can engage in work (most of them I have just said), so it would be amazing to see everyone try and at least do something every single day. This will go towards your final score for your year group at the end of the week.

Every Monday I will let you know how every year group has got on. Today, the results for last week (Monday 1st Feb – Friday 5th Feb) are as follows:

Year 3 = 70.00%                   4th

Year 4 = 74.58%                   2nd

Year 5 = 87.93%                   1st

Year 6 = 70.67%                    3rd

Congratulations to Year 5 for being clear winners last week and engaging in the most work!

Let’s see if you can help your year group this week and become the best year group!

Happy learning everyone.

Mr Welka