Happy Wednesday 🙂 We’re half way through another week!
Spelling: Please continue to practise this week’s spellings which can be found on Monday’s post.
Reading: Access your reading plus account – more of you have had awards this week, well done!
English: We are going to look at writing your own 5Ws for your newspaper reports this week. Watch this video for today’s task: https://youtu.be/J6mbPC22mGs    <- copy and paste the link to your browser
Maths:Â Join Mr Hill’s maths Zoom at 12:30 for today’s maths lesson.
Meeting ID: 745 2178 2796
Password: E18EGK
This week is ‘Children’s mental health week’ and so today we want you to have a ‘Well-being Wednesday’ afternoon! Do whatever makes you happy: colouring, watching a film, napping, playing outside – whatever makes you feel calm and happy.
Have a wonderful day and please let us see what you get up to.
Miss Adams and Mr Hill 🙂