Happy Friday! We made it to the end of another homeschooling week!
Let’s not lose the pace just yet, we’re very close to the weekend 🙂

Spelling: Spelling test today please, let us know your children’s scores 🙂

Reading: Reading plus – so many of you are now using this website which is brilliant. We are able to see who is/isn’t using it and how well you’re doing, carry on the great work year 3 🙂

I would like you to use all the skills you’ve been learning over the last 3 weeks to write your own information text about The Roman Army.
Here is a video explaining the task: https://youtu.be/cskW-v7vHjw     <- copy and paste the link into your browser
My work as a guide to help you:

WAGOLL (this one is about buildings, you are writing about the army. It’s just to help you with layout/ideas)  text to use for ideas/help if you need it


Zoom will be on at 12:30 – we’re looking forward to seeing you all there 🙂

Please watch this video of Mr Hill reading a story:  https://youtu.be/tMCtEN-O-FQ   <- copy and paste this link into your browser
Answer his questions in the form of a poster:


Have a great day and send us pictures of your fantastic work 🙂