Keep going year 5 – you are having a fantastic week!
WALT: add fractions with different denominators
For those of you that didn’t make our live zoom Maths lesson today – here is the PowerPoint. Remember to complete the independent activity that has been set for you on MyMaths.
TT Rockstar’s battle continues… who is going to take this weeks point…so far 5G is in the lead!
WALT: plan a newspaper report
Using the template linked below the video, today we would like you to plan a newspaper report. Your newspaper report can be based upon anything, remember today to are not writing it, just coming up with your ideas.
Planning template – Newspaper Report – Planning Sheet
Reading – Log into Reading plus and complete an activity. This is a really important part of our remote learning, as it will help you with the reading skills we have been practicing in class!
SPAG – Word Search
Good afternoon Year 5!
I can see you are all working hard at home and it is brilliant to see – Keep it up!
Last weeks lesson, we listened and appraised the ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ and started to learn the song. There has been some fantastic work being done and I can see some children taking their time to work through each task – Fantastic.
For today’s lesson, I would like you to Listen and Apprise ‘Me, Myself and I’. Either write your sentences out or you can record yourself describing the music and post them on the Year 5 Facebook page. Once you have done your listening take, it is time to finish off learning the song. By the end of this lesson you should be able to perform the rap the ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ creating actions and a full performance. If you can, please try and rap the song without the person rapping on the track – challenge yourself. Remember, when we are performing the song, Miss Counter is looking out for; accuracy, correct words, confidence and fluency.
Please can you record this performance and post it on the Year 5 Facebook page.
I am going to give 5 house points to 5 children who have put in maximum effort and given a brilliant performance.
I can’t wait!
Miss Counter 🙂