Good morning Year 2,
I hope you’re all well, staying safe and enjoying the snow!
I saw some fantastic work on the Year 2 Facebook page from last week – Your sentences describing the music were brilliant! Those children will be joining the other year groups on my ‘Star’s of the Week’ board. If your name is on my star of the week poster, then you will get 3 house points for your brilliant work this week.
Last week, were listened to ‘I wanna play in a band’ and learnt the song. This week, we are going to listen to ‘.We Will Rock You’ and I would like you to describe the music to me by either writing it down or recording yourself describing it. Think about; is this rock music still? What instruments can you hear? Are they the same instruments as last week? Which instruments had high and low pitch? Was their a strong pulse? Can you clap along to he music? Was it loud or quiet?
Our main task this week is to clap out the rhythm of our melody. Normally in school you would play this on your glockenspiels, however, as you are at home, I would like you to clap the rhythm out saying the letters at the same time. If you watch the video below, I have demonstrated what I would like you to do. Once you have clapped the rhythm out, I would like you to see if you can tap the rhythm out on different objects in your house.
Please send your videos of you clapping he rhythms to the year 2 Facebook Page and I can see who has got the rhythm!
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