Good morning year 5 – well done for yesterdays work – you were brilliant as always!

Here are todays lessons:

Maths –First we have started a battle on Timetables Rockstar’s – after one day, 5G are currently in the lead!

Then have a go at the activities we have set on MyMaths – we have tailored these to your needs, if they are too hard/easy please let us know.

English – Thinking about yesterday diary entry, today can you imagine you are a member of a rescue team sent after the Tsunami to help find survivors. Todays skills for writing: first person, expanded noun phrases and relative clause.

(A relative clause gives extra information about the noun and usually begins with who, which that.)

Art – WALT: Recreate one of van Gogh’s most famous paintings  

Try to recreate one of these famous paintings by van Gogh. I appreciate you may not have paints at home, so we’ll wait until you’re back in school before we do a painting in his style.

Therefore, this week you can be really creative. You could use pencils, felt tips, paints (if you have them), do a sketch, a collage, a model (look at the one made out of Lego!) or use a computer/tablet to create one!


Any questions – please get in touch, and remember to show us what you complete.